Saturday, December 4, 2010

Keyword Analysis Tool

It wasn't long ago I gave Google way more credit than they deserve. I used to spend hours writing extremely valuable and factual content with a no fluff and no bull approach. I just figured as long as I chose a topic, did my research, and wrote a great article, Google would put the article where it belongs and give me some organic traffic. I took this approach for about 6 months writing literally hundreds of articles without using a keyword analysis tool. I waited patiently for traffic to come, but it never did.
So what was I doing wrong? I was writing tons of great articles, giving away incredibly valuable information, and getting thousands of back links. Well, I'll tell you exactly what I did wrong. I gave Google way more credit than they deserved and I was not using a keyword analysis tool. Google is a simple bot with a list of algorithms it follows, that's it. There is really nothing incredibly sophisticated about it.

How do I know this? I tested it on one simple little blog. Here's what I did. I purchased a brand new domain name. The domain name was only slightly related to the niche. In other words, the domain name was not that valuable and had less than ten total searches per month for the exact keywords that domain had. I then built a simple ten page blog on that domain over the course of about two days. Each post was written around a specific low Competition Keyword Phrase found by using a keyword analysis tool. I added about ten to twelve tags to each post. The tags were related to the main keyword phrase and had slightly lower competition then the main Keyword Phrase. The tags were also found using the keyword analysis tool as well. I did absolutely no Off Page Search Engine Optimization to this blog. I just let it sit there, that's it. After about one week the blog was fully indexed and receiving about 120 unique visitors per day. Needless to say I was in disbelief that it was that easy to get natural traffic. At the same time I wanted to slap myself for not trying this earlier. I had always heard people say "do your keyword analysis", but I never really truly grasped what they meant until lately.

Manually doing your Keyword Analysis will take weeks and still leave some guess work involved. Purchasing a good keyword analysis tool will save you a lot of time and money. Any good keyword analysis tool will pay for itself in no time at all.

Click here If you would like to learn more about a great Keyword Analysis Tool. You can also find information on setting up a blog or building a website.

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