Saturday, December 4, 2010

Video Search Engine Optimization Tips

Videos can be optimized for ranking on search engines by using a variety of techniques. SEO for the video can make use of keywords, links in the descriptive content and links in the annotations on the video to other videos on your YouTube channel.

For Video Optimization Upload your video involved logging in to your account and clicking on the upload button. Title, description and tag boxes show up on the screen while your video is uploading so you can start filling in the information. Later you can click to edit this further if you wish to make changes.

Specific keywords that identify your video's niche work best for allowing people to find it during searches on or any search engine. Separate the keywords or Keyword Phrases in the tag box by using commas. You can also put quote marks around words in a phrase to group them together. Try to use your main keywords in the title, several times in the description and in the tag box.

At the beginning of the description add your website. When the YouTube Videos plays, or when embedded on Facebook or other sites, often only the first line or so will show unless viewers click to see more. If your website is at the beginning viewers will be able to see it easily and click to visit your site.

Click on Edit in the dashboard after the video has finished uploaded to continue editing the information. Be sure the editing page has the radio button clicked to make the video public. It's often a good idea to also choose to have comments approved by you before they are posted. Another good choice is to click to remove comment voting. At the bottom of the page and the top there are places to click to save your changes.

Annotations can be added to the video. These are captions with text that are available in a variety of colors. Linking an annotation on a video to another video on your channel is an excellent available option. For example, you can add an annotation that might say, "Click here to see part two of this video series." In the annotation options there is a picture of a link icon and when this is clicked a box opens up with places to add the URL of the link video.

Optimizing your videos so people can click on an annotation link that sits at the top of the video enable people to watch a related group from your channel. It helps keep the viewer focused on your videos. The annotation link to the next video can appear on the video and remain there for the whole video if you wish. This way if someone is tempted to browse away there is an option to try the next video from your channel instead of someone else's video.

These Tips For Video Optimization will increase the total views for your video channel. This will increase the chances that people will also click on the link to visit your website. Additionally the videos can show up on major search engines such as Google.

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